1. Q: Who is your inspiration?
A: Mike Star.
2. Q: In what bands did you play before?
A: Black Jam and Morosis.
3. Q: What’s your ambition?
A: Going as far as we can! Sky is the limit!
Perform at festivals and big venues.
4. Q: Who’s your favorite band/group?
A: Alice in Chains.
5. Q: What is your motto in life?
A: Always finish what you start.
6. Q: What’s typical about you?
A: Sounding like Mickey Mouse.
7. Q: Favorite colour?
A: Black.
8. Q: What fruit do you want to be?
A: A pear or a friggin’ kiwi.
9. Q: What do you like to eat before a show?
A: Julientje, a Belgian classic!
10. Q: Do you have a nickname? If so, what’s your nickname?
A: Jensken.
11. Q: Ass or titties?
A: Both obviously.
12. Q: What’s your favorite beer to drink on parties?
A: Chimay.
13. Q: Describe the ultimate party for you.
A: One where there are a lot of unforeseen circumstances.
14. Q: In what year did you make your first squeel naked?
A: 1993.
15. Q: In what country do you really like to play?
A: Scotland!
16. Q: What do you want to say to the world?
A: HOHOOOOOOOOOOO! (imagine a Micky Mouse voice)